Riccarton Community Hub

What's happening in Riccarton, and where to find it

Review of the Riccarton West Community Garden and pantry

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In partnership with the Christchurch City Council, the Oak Development Trust is carrying out a survey of the Riccarton West Community Garden. This is part of the community consultation of the review and you are invited to contribute. You can fill it in online by clicking on this link:


It should take only a few minutes and your feedback is really appreciated. There are also paper copies at the Pantry and the Trust office, 80 Rattray Street. It closes on Friday 12 June.

The Riccarton West Community Garden was established at 151-153 Peverel St in 2013 by the Neighbourhood Policing Team that was working in the area and local residents. Since that time, Nick and Loretta Te Paa have worked tirelessly and have overseen its development. Since 2016, the land has been leased by Oak Development Trust from Kainga Ora (Housing New Zealand), which has enabled the garden to continue. A huge amount of vegetables, goodwill and friendship has come out of having the garden in the heart of the community.

As the lease expires on the land in September, it is now time to review the project as the Oak Development Trust thinks about its next steps. Also at the garden is Te Pataka – the community pantry. It is worth checking in with the community about its benefits and how the pantry could also operate in the future.