Riccarton Community Hub

What's happening in Riccarton, and where to find it

Migrant volunteering workshops

migrant volunteers

Migrants frequently find it hard to get a job in New Zealand, sometimes because of language skills, sometimes because employers want "New Zealand experience", and so on... One way in is to do volunteer work, which provides valuable work experience in a New Zealand context.

Turning life around through love of art recognised

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By Anan Zaki, Nor-West News, 2 October

Riccarton addiction advocate Damian Holt recently received a community award from the city council for his public artwork. The 57-year-old spoke to reporter Anan Zaki about his love of art and how it helped turn his life around.

Korean Fun Day

 Korean Fun Day 4a

Korean culture was to the fore when the Korean School held a fun day at Kirkwood Intermediate School, Riccarton Rd, on Saturday 29 September. The school holds its weekly classes at Kirkwood on a Saturday.

Seven years of building community celebrated

ODT showcase1

Seven years of building community in the Riccarton area were celebrated at the end of September by the Oak Development Trust. Starting with just one paid employee – Manager Carol Renouf – the trust now has six staff, and is active through around 12 programmes.

Let’s have a Global Christmas

Global Christmas flyer top

Global Christmas is an informative and an educative community project that is being initiated by the Philippine Culture and Migrants Services (PCMS) team. It aims to promote and encourage the diverse Christchurch migrant communities to showcase their traditional cultural Christmas practices in terms of songs, dances, costumes, food, decors, artefacts and festival activities.

New chef classes coming to Riccarton

Senior Chef 2

A new programme for seniors and the return of what is becoming a favourite for men are set to light up Riccarton kitchens.

“Research shows that as we age, we become less likely to prepare our own meals,” says Jane Callahan of Pegasus Health. If you struggle with cooking or have lost motivation to cook, Senior Chef, organised by Pegasus Health, could be the answer.

Senior Chef consists of 8 x three-hour sessions. The free classes cover nutrition topics such as eating for healthy ageing, menu planning, and budgeting. As well you get to cook a meal and sit down together to enjoy it.

Senior Chef will be held at Riccarton Baptist Church, 80 Rattray Street, on Mondays from October 15 to December 10. Contact the Senior Chef team on 374 1639 for a chat to see if Senior Chef is right for you. You must be enrolled to attend a course.

And a new Men2Cook course will start at Riccarton Baptist on 13 September. The course, instructed by chef Paul Meek, runs for six weeks, with the aim of helping men learn to cook tasty, hearty and healthy meals on a budget.

Participants have been highly enthusiastic at what they've learned. As one of the participants, Larry, said: “I now have confidence in cooking. My wife is rapt I can do it.”

For more information, or to register, contact Paul on 027 488 069, or Carol Renouf on 027 282 0693.