Riccarton Community Hub

What's happening in Riccarton, and where to find it

Community board unhappy with City Council plan

Riccarton aerial 3

The Halswell-Hornby-Community Board is unhappy with some changes proposed to the City Council’s draft annual plan, and wants to hear from residents.

Because of the impact that events have had on the city, country and world, the council is re-evaluating its proposed annual plan. And because of a legal deadline it faces, it says there is not enough time to hold separate hearings to allow public consultations. However, community boards will be able to make a verbal submission on Friday this week (19th June).

City Council over-rules Community Board, still plans to block traffic between Middleton and Ilam Roads

Aerial Middleton Riccarton Rds

The Christchurch City Council has over-ridden a plea from the Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Comunity Board to reconsider major traffic changes at the intersection of Riccarton, Ilam and Middleton Roads.

The council plan will significantly impact the intersection, blocking traffic from travelling between Middleton and Ilam Roads. Middleton Road is a major feed to Canterbury University, but through traffic will be prevented under the plan. Instead, traffic will be able to make only left turns coming from each direction. Right turns into Riccarton Road will also be banned.

Western News delivery changes

John McNeil

Western News banner

The Western News, which covers the Riccarton area, is one of the free Christchurch suburban papers published by the Star group of companies. As with many small papers, it had to cease printing when Lockdown 4 was introduced, but later began publishing online. It has now started printing again, but if you previously received it in your letterbox, you may be wondering why it's no longer coming.

Before, it was delivered on a Tuesday as a separate item. Now, delivery has begun on a Thursday, as an insert into the Christchurch Star. So if you don't get the Star, you won't get the Western News. However, you can arrange to receive both, still free, by phoning the Star office at 379 7100.

Rārākau: Riccarton Centre is open

 Riccarton Community Centre cropped

This includes the City Council’s customer services desk and booking use. Measures to protect visitors and users of the centre are in place to meet physical distancing and contact tracing requirements.